last updated 19 Jul 21
Some WWII names are proving difficult to trace on the CWGC database
The WWII dead on the Town Memorial in North Street are listed by surname and initials only. In some cases the WWII part of the RBL Roll of Honour in the Parish Church provides forenames. Thus the WWII names are proving to be more difficult to research compared to the more fully identified WWI names.
Sadly sometimes there are many of the same surname, initials and forename in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) database, making our task harder if there is no obvious link to Leatherhead, such as next of kin's address.
If you can help with any of the following WWII names on the Memorial, please contact us:
Archibald Clark
now located and story addedJames Finch
not found on CWGC though we know much about himJohn Gain
now identified as John Edwin GANE and story addedJ Harding - apparently no relation to WW1 JS Harding - the search continues ..
as it does for
William WilliamsHerbert Humphrey
now identified as Herbert Hardwick Humphrey and story addedHJ Prentice
not found on CWGC though we know much about himDonald Stevenson - finally linked to Leatherhead - an Old Johnian (as was his father Archibald, fatally injured by a landmine at Ermyn Way)
H Williams - finally identified as Henry Morlais Williams
A letter on this subject was sent to the Leatherhead Advertiser for publication in July 2004.
- Research on this project has revealed what to a present-day researcher seem surprising errors in the inscriptions on the Town War Memorial and in the information in the Chapel of Remembrance in the Parish Church. Although those were far more deferential times, did the families not notice, or perhaps they did not have the information? Leatherhead is by no means unusual in this respect.
- There are discrepancies between the memorials, and possibly a need for further checking of some of the Commonwealth War Grave Commission (CWGC) records.
- Finally there are also those with a connection to Leatherhead who died, but who are currently not shown on a memorial in Leatherhead.
- [3] On the PARISH CHURCH Ladies' War Shrine list of those who SERVED but though they died they are NOT on its central panel list of those who DIED
- a. [25] On both the Parish CHURCH and TOWN Memorials BUT DIFFERENCES
b. [51 WW1, 2 WW2] Town Memorial DISCREPANCIES vs CWGC
- [12+WWII] On the TOWN or Parish CHURCH Memorials to those who died, BUT NOT ON BOTH
- [52] but see 4 Apparently Leatherhead born or resident but NOT ON THE TOWN OR CHURCH MEMORIALS
- ... including some who were on the list of 22 ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED in the Leatherhead
Advertiser on 25th Feb 1999
- [15+1] War Graves or commemorations in Leatherhead Parish Church Graveyard
some of whom are not on the Town Memorial.
- Other issues
1. On the PARISH CHURCH Ladies' War Shrine list of those who served:
though they died they are NOT on its central panel list of those who died
John A PATTENDEN, RAF He is also on the Town Memorial [P10.R4.C3]*
Air Mec John A Pattenden RFC, Aug 15 1922.
He is buried in the Parish Church graveyard.
Reason: He died after the Ladies' War Shrine was placed in the Parish Church.
Frank ROOM He is also on the Town Memorial [P6.R4.C2]
A.B. Frank Room, H.M.S. Hecla, Aug 12 1920.
Ernest WRIGHT He is also on the Town Memorial [P9.R3.C2] Pte Ernest F. Wright, 9th Norfolk Regt, Oct 30 1918.
He is buried in the Parish Church graveyard.
* On the Town Memorial, there are ten WWI panels, each with four rows and three columns:
P=Panel no., R= Row no., C= Column no.
2a. On both the Parish CHURCH and TOWN Memorials BUT DIFFERENCES.
1. Jabez Barnes
Town & PC dates x
Parish Church date September 1915
Town Memorial date Sept 26 1918
CWGC says 29th September, 19182. Frederick Blackwell
Town name xParish Church Blackwall
Town Memorial as Blackwell
CWGC says Blackwall3. Frederick Clemetson
PC name xParish Church as Clementson
Town Memorial as Clemetson
CWGC says Clemetson![]()
4. Reginald G Crocker
Town date x
Town unit xParish Church: Dec 1918
Town Memorial date 7 Dec 1919 and unit 15th Royal Fusiliers
CWGC says 7th December, 1918and unit 1st/8th Bn., Middlesex Regiment
5. Charles Richard Crayden
PC name xParish Church as Craydon
Town Memorial as Crayden: this is the correct surname
CWGC says Crayden: 'Son of William Crayden; husband of Lydia Crayden, of 61 Bridge St., Leatherhead, Surrey'..
6. Albert Godwin
PC date xParish Church : Oct 1916
Town Memorial : Sep 16 1916 - CWGC says this date7. Harold Hawkins
PC name xs missing on Parish Church memorial - CWGC says Hawkins 8. ER Huggett
PC name xParish Church as Hugget
Town Memorial as Huggett - CWGC says Huggett9. Herbert Kelly
PC name xParish Church as Herbert
Town Memorial as Hubert - CWGC says Herbert
but evidence for Hubert10. Albert Jopling
PC date xParish Church : Aug 1916
Town Memorial : July 1 1916 - CWGC says this date![]()
11. Arthur Linforth
PC date xParish Church : Oct 1916
Town Memorial : Sep 16 1916 - CWGC says this date12. Richard Longley, D.C.M.
PC date xParish Church :Oct 1916
Town Memorial : Sep 15 1916 - CWGC says this date![]()
13. Edward Murton
PC & Town dates xParish Church : May 1918
Town Memorial : May 7 1915 - CWGC says 12th May 191514. Benjamin Penfold
Town date xParish Church : Sep 1915 - CWGC says September 13th 1915
Town Memorial : Sep 13 191815. Ernest Rowe
Town date xParish Church : Dec 1915 - CWGC says 30th December 1915 ![]()
Town Memorial : Jan 11 191616. Hubert Shepherd
Town name xParish Church says Herbert - CWGC H.A.H. ; N&M says Henry Albert Herbert
Town Memorial says Hubert17. Ernest Slemmonds
PC name xParish Church says Slemmond
Town Memorial says Slemmonds - CWGC says Slemmonds18. Alec Songhurst
PC date xParish Church : Nov 1917
Town Memorial : Oct 30 1917 - CWGC says this date19. Robert Stickland
PC name x
Town date xParish Church : May 1918 - CWGC says Strickland, 27th May 1918
Town Memorial : Mar 29 191820. William Taylor
Town date xParish Church : Jan 1917 - CWGC says 7th January 1917 ![]()
Town Memorial : Jul 1 191721. James Ticknor
PC date and name xParish Church : Williamr, Oct 1916
Town Memorial : James Ticknor, Nov 6 1916 - CWGC says 8 Nov 1916 and JW Ticknor![]()
22. Herbert Tribe
Town date xParish Church : Sep 1918 - CWGC says 7th September 1918 ![]()
Town Memorial : Oct 7 191823. Albert Wickens
Town date xParish Church : Oct 1917 - CWGC says 11th October 1917
Town Memorial : Nov 11 191724. Victor Wright
Town date xParish Church : Jan 1915 - CWGC says 1st January 1915
Town Memorial : Dec 30 191425. Stanley Yardley
Town date xParish Church : Jul 1916 - CWGC says 1st July 1916 ![]()
Town Memorial : Jun 1 1916
There are far more discrepancies for the WW1 names than for WW2 as inscriptions of the former include rank, unit, location and date; the latter are just surname and initials. It is understood that inscription discrepancies have proved to be widespread.
WW1 WW1 (cont) WW1 (cont) WW2
- Adams
- Arnold
- Arthur
- Barnes
- Bennett
- Blackwell
- Brooks
- Cobbold
- Coldman
- Crocker
- Duffield
- Eldridge
- Fairs
- Faithful
- Gaston
- Gibbs
- Gray
- Hawkins
- Hill
- Kelly
- Linforth
- Long
- Maspero
- May
- Moore HB
- Moore HC
- Murton
- Penfold BJ
- Penfold LG
- Powell
- Razzell
- Rowe
- Searle HT
- Searle WG
- Shepherd HAH
- Shepherd WC
- Sherwood
- Skelton
- Skilton LS
- Stickland
- Summerfield
- Taylor AE
- Taylor WJ
- Ticknor
- Tribe H
- Underwood
- Ward
- Whiten
- Wickens
- Wright
- Yardley
- Gain
- Kirby
3. On the TOWN or Parish CHURCH Memorials to those who died, BUT NOT ON BOTH
CHURCH1. Frederick ADAMS [P7.R1.C3] no
2. Cecil Briskett, Jul 1918
unable to trace him yet at CWGC
now appears to be an error on the central panel.
He is in fact Cecil PRESKETTno Cecil Briskett
Jul 19183. Walter Feltham, Oct 1917* no Walter Feltham
Oct 19174. Charles Hagel, Oct 1916* no Charles Hagel
Oct 19165. James Miller, Sep 1915* no James Miller
Sep 19156. Lyall Neal, Dec 1917 no Lyall Neal
Dec 19177. John A PATTENDEN [P10.R4.C3] no**
8. Frank ROOM [P6.R4.C2]
no** 9. Ernest Frederick WRIGHT
buried in the Parish Church graveyard[P9.R3.C2] no** 10. Percy Taylor, Oct 1917
buried in the Parish Church graveyardno Percy Taylor
Oct 191711. Reginald Ernest Trodd, May 1916: * no Reginald Ernest Trodd
May 191612. Henry Wise, Sep 1916 no Henry Wise
Sep 1916* minutes of War memorial sub committee "one of the men who were for a very brief time in Leatherhead & about whom no details were obtainable, and so not included"
** these men appear on the Parish Church Memorial panels for those who were serving in HM Forces, but not in the panel for those who had died.
There is also no Memorial of the 1939-45 names in the Parish Church, apart from the Chancel Memorial to Flt Lt David Stapylton Gillett and the listing in the RBL Roll of Honour.
4. Apparently Leatherhead born or resident but NOT ON THE TOWN OR CHURCH MEMORIALS
Research action
These names come from the CD ROM database of Soldiers Died in The Great War 1914-19 [SDGW for short], constructed and published by the Naval & Military Press. They are of men (and one woman) said to be born or resident in Leatherhead, who gave their lives, but are not on a Leatherhead Memorial.
Early in 2018 the editor obtained from the CWGC database listings of WW1 and WW11 grave/memorial records which mentioned Leatherhead. These are being checked to see if any need to be added to this list.
As a check, there are individuals in SDGW who are listed on a Leatherhead Memorial, for example:
- Arthur Charles Toone, who is both on the Town Memorial [P9.R2.C3]* and the Parish Church Memorial.
He was born in Leatherhead, enlisted at Guildford and a resident of Oxenwood, Berkshire.
- Edward George Murton, who is both on the Town Memorial [P6.R1.C1] and the Parish Church Memorial.
He was born in Guildford, enlisted at Guildford, and was a resident of Leatherhead.*[On the Town Memorial, there are ten WWI panels, each with four rows and three columns: P=Panel no., R= Row no., C= Column no.]
The situation on the names listed below may be clarified by: -
- checks to be made with the CWGC database.
- research in the archives of local newspapers
- research in the archives of local church magazines
- information from the public resulting from this website and local appeals through the press
- information from the CD-ROM database being used by local historian Ian Whitlock
Where directed, please see the outcome so far, where the name is one of the 22 originally published in the Leatherhead Advertiser, as shown in section 5 on this page.
Bear in mind that the Next of Kin location information was that at the time of arranging inscriptions on headstones. NOK might have moved since the War.
- ANSELL, Albert, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Kingston-on-Thames Surrey
10948 PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 25/04/15.
He was the third of ten children in the family of George Ansell (born Clandon - reg. Guildford 3/1874), a contractor’s foreman, and his wife Amelia, born at Hook, Surrey.
Pte AE Ansell 2nd Bn East Surrey Regt is commemorated on Ashtead's War memorials.
- ARNOLD, Christopher Jack, born Leatherhead, enlisted London, resident Chertsey
SP/2145, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 28/07/16.
CWGC - Son of Christopher and Elizabeth Arnold, of Woking Waterworks, Chertsey, Surrey
He is commemorated on the Chertsey War Memorial
- BAILEY, Robert Harry, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Guildford, Surrey, resident Burnham, Bucks
G/50939, L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/08/17
CWGC next of kin is blank
- BAILEY, William, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Southampton
204079, PRIVATE, Killed in action, Mesopotamia, 24/02/17
CWGC - Son of John and Annie Bailey of 37 Northumberland Rd., Southampton
- BARNETT, Frederick William: he is commemorated on the Effingham WWI War Memorial: see also list of 22
- BATES, Samuel, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Derby
C/7545, RIFLEMAN, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 22/09/17
CWGC - not so far able to match name and date
- BEALE, Sydney: see list of 22
- BOND, Charles William, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Hartley Wintney, Hants, resident Ash Vale, Surrey
20241, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, Mesopotamia, 20/04/16, FORMERLY 87408, ROYAL
CWGC - Son of Jane Ann Bond of St. Elmo, Ash Vale, Surrey, and the late Thomas Bond
- CLARKE, Ernest Robert, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Winchester, resident West Liss, Hants
31668, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17
CWGC - Son of John Henry and Annie Kate Clarke of Church Lane, Witley, Surrey. Native of Leatherhead, Surrey
- CLARKE, George Ernest, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, resident Raynes Park, Surrey
3353, RIFLEMAN, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 08/05/15
CWGC - Son of Harry and Alice E Clarke of 621 Kingston Rd., Raynes Park, West Wimbledon
- COLLINS, William, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Chiswick, Middlesex, resident Brixton, Hill, Surrey
G/43737, PRIVATE, Died, France & Flanders, 20/10/16.
CWGC - Son of William and Clara Collins
- COOMBES, Harry, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Epsom, Surrey
14060, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 25/03/18.
CWGC next of kin - blank
- EARLE, Christopher, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Reading, resident Binfield, Berks
12845, CPL., Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 02/07/16.
CWGC - Son of Mrs. Charles Earle of Grange Cottage, Binfield, Bracknell, Berks; husband of Violet Dorothy Earle of The Warren, Ascot, Berks.
- FABRAY, Charles Herbert, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Weybridge, Surrey, resident Ashtead, Surrey
Z/2483, L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 25/01/16
CWGC - Son of Walter and Harriett Fabray of 5 Padua Rd., Penge, London
1 Feb 09 update: he is on the Ashtead War Memorial outside St George's Christian Centre.
- FINCH, William Lionel, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Worthing
SD/1683, PRIVATE, Killed in action, British Expeditionary Force, 21/03/18.
CWGC - Son of William Henry and Hannah Finch of 24 Harrow Rd., West Worthing, Sussex
- FOSTER, Frederick Geo, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Tooting, Surrey
89563, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 11/09/17, FORMERLY 10006, E. KENT REGT
CWGC next of kin - blank
- FRANCE, Robert Albert King, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Scotts Camp, resident Hasting, Northumberland
2926, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 26/04/15
CWGC - Son of the late Mr and Mrs George France
- GEE, William Robert, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Thetford
35815, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 20/09/16, FORMERLY 24013, NORFOLK REGT
CWGC - Son of Robert Gee of Cannon Farm, Thetford, Norfolk
- GRAVETT, Thomas Charles, born Leatherhead, enlisted Mitcham
G/39496, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/04/17
CWGC next of kin - blank
- HAINES, Oliver Percy, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted London
12175, DRUMMER, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/14
CWGC - Son of the Rev. FW Haines and Catherine H Haines of 40 The College, Bromley, Kent. Born at Leatherhead, Surrey
- HAMBLY, Arthur William Treliving, born Leatherhead, enlisted Woolwich, resident Highgate
PS/10253, L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 14/06/18, FORMERLY 70927, R.G.A
CWGC next of kin - blank
- HANDLEY, Francis, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Marylebone, London
20519, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 12/10/16, FORMERLY 4534, ROYAL GARRISON ARTILLERY
CWGC next of kin - blank
- HARMES, Albert, born Woolwich, Kent, enlisted Hounslow, Middlesex, resident Leatherhead, Surrey
103291, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 22/04/18.
- HILLIER, Frank Reginald : see list of 22
FR Hillyer is on the Ashtead War Memorial
- HINDER, Ernest Oliver Russell : see list of 22
- HOLLAND, Arthur William, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Dorchester, Dorset
10157, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, Egypt, 26/08/15
CWGC next of kin - blank
- HOOLEY, Albert Stephen, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Epsom, Surrey
1656, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 30/11/17
Not yet traceable with CWGC
- IZZARD, Albert Allen : see list of 22
- LAZENBY, Ernest Ransom : see list of 22
- LIPSCOMBE, William Henry, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Brixton
71384, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 21/09/17, FORMERLY 14778, E. SURREY REGT
CWGC - Nephew of Eliza Lipscombe of 28 Holmewood Gardens, Brixton Hill, London
- MAXWELL, Harry, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Derby, resident Langley Mill
162985, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 07/11/18
CWGC - Son of George and Elizabeth Alice Maxwell of 17 Dunstead Rd., Aldercar, Langley Mill, Nottingham
- MILES, Thomas : see list of 22
- MOLE, George, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted London, resident Chobham
47307, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 24/03/17, FORMERLY 3606, 24TH R. FUS
CWGC - Son of Henry James and Ann Mole of Chobham, Surrey
- OLIVER, Alfred : see list of 22
- PEARCE, Harry, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Petersfield, Hants
238508, GUNNER, Died, Home, 26/07/18
CWGC next of kin - blank
- PICKETT, Albert, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Shepherd's Bush, Middlesex, resident Marylebone, Middlesex
37541, L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 21/09/18, FORMERLY 13995, K. R. R. C., M.M.
CWGC next of kin - blank
- PRESKETT, Cecil Henry : see list of 22
- REED, Alfred : see list of 22
- ROLLINSON, Henry, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Kingston, Surrey
8090, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 04/04/15
CWGC next of kin - blank
- ROLLINSON, William, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Woking, Surrey
9897, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 25/04/15, FORMERLY 10085, KINGS LIVERPOOL REGT.
CWGC next of kin - blank
- SMITH, Alfred George, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Woolwich, resident Plumstead
5183, RIFLEMAN, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 15/09/16
CWGC next of kin - blank
- STEEL, William Sidney Ernest : see list of 22
- SUMMERFIELD, Alfred, born Epsom, Surrey, enlisted Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, resident Leatherhead, Surrey
G/596, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 18/12/14
CWGC next of kin - blank
- TAYLOR, Edward, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Guildford, resident Wickford, Essex
T/21290, DVR., Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/08/18
CWGC next of kin - blank
- THOMPSON, Ernest, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Wandsworth, Surrey
204969, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 29/09/17, FORMERLY 4589, ESSEX REGT
CWGC - Son of George and Emma Thompson; husband of Emma E Thompson of 53A Upcerne Rd., Chelsea, London
- TINLEY, Edward Alfred : see list of 22
- TUCKER, William Crespin : see list of 22
- VICKERY, Frank Percival : see list of 22
- WHITTINGTON, Bob, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Guildford, Surrey, resident Effingham, Leatherhead
12133, SERGT. Killed in action, France & Flanders, 26/08/16, D.C.M
CWGC next of kin - blank
update 14 Mar 2009: He is on the Effingham War Memorial.
- WHITTINGTON, Harry, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Battersea, Surrey, resident Epsom, Surrey
G/3962, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 26/09/15
CWGC - Son of Mrs. Ellen Maria Whittington of 12 Victory Cottages, Effingham, Surrey
- WITHALL, Stanley Richard, born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Guildford, Surrey, resident Dorking, Surrey
G/4668, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 12/04/17
CWGC next of kin - blank
- WOODGER, Alfred: see list of 22
5. Were on the list of 22 originally published in the Leatherhead Advertiser on 25th Feb 1999 as possibly missing from the Town Memorial.
Note: CWGC = Commonwealth War Graves Commission 'Debt of Honour' database. N&M = CD ROM database of 'Soldiers Died in The Great War 1914-19', constructed and published by the Naval & Military Press.
1. Barnett, Frederick William
CWGC says: 'Son of William Barnett of Church St., Effingham, Leatherhead, Surrey'.
Born Effingham, Surrey, enlisted Bordon, Hants, resident 'Leatherhead, Surrey'.
A/1308, Rifleman, Kings Royal Rifle Corps, died Saturday 30th July 1915.
Commemorated on Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Panel 51 and 53.
He is commemorated on the Effingham WWI War Memorial2. Beale, Sydney
CWGC gives no next of kin address.
Enlisted Guildford, resident 'Leatherhead, Surrey'.
177314, Gunner 'B' Bty., 293rd Bde., Royal Field Artillery, died Sunday 3rd November 1918.
Buried in Brebieres British Cemetery, grave B 2.3. Crayden, Charles Richard
He is actually on both the Parish Church and Town Memorials: [Town P9.R1.C3]4. Harmes, Albert
CWGC gives no next of kin address.
Born Woolwich, Kent, enlisted Hounslow, Middlesex, resident 'Leatherhead, Surrey'.
103291, Private, 15th Bn., Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regt.), died Tuesday 23rd April 1918.
Commemorated on Pozieres Memorial, Panel 52 to 54.Leatherhead Advertiser 11 Mar 1999 - Wyonne Wereszcynska, age 79, who lived in N. Holmwood for 50 years before moving to Somerset thinks he could be related? There is a Frank Harmes on the Parish Church list of those who served.
[N&M database says Albert Harmes was killed in action, 22/04/18].5. Hillier, Frank Reginald
CWGC gives no next of kin address.
Born Leatherhead, Surrey, enlisted Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, resident 'Leatherhead, Surrey'.
10340, Private, 1st Bn, East Lancashire Regiment, died Wednesday 7th July 1915.
Buried in Talana Farm Cemetery, grave II E 34.
[N&M database says he was killed in action on 06/07/15].
FR Hillyer has been found on the Ashtead War Memorial.6. Hinder, Ernest Oliver Russell
CWGC gives no next of kin address.
Enlisted Westminster, resident 'Leatherhead'.
551774, Rifleman, 16th Bn., London Regt (Queen's Westminster Rifles), died Sunday 27th October 1918.
Buried in Pont-de-Nieppe Communal Cemetery, grave II F 4.
[N&M database says he died on 26/10/18].7. Izzard, Albert Allen
CWGC says 'Son of Mrs S Izzard of 'Norrel's Lodge', East Horsley, Leatherhead, Surrey, and the late Mr H Izzard'.
Born Epsom, enlisted Kingston-on-Thames, resident Leatherhead.
A/1287, Rifleman, 8th Bn., King's Royal Rifle Corps, died Sunday 6th June 1915.
Commemorated on Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Panel 51 and 53.
[N&M database says he died on 05/06/15].8. Lazenby, Ernest Ransom
CWGC gives no next of kin address.
Born Driffield, Yorks, enlisted Shepherd's Bush, Middlesex, resident 'Leatherhead, Surrey'.
27720, Private, 2nd Bn., Wiltshire Regiment, died Saturday 1st June 1918.
Commemorated on the Soissons Memorial.
[N&M database says he died of wounds, 31/05/18, and that he was formerly R/28636, King's Royal Rifles].9. Longhurst, Alex Thomas
Typographical error in the N&M database: this is Mr Songhurst, who is on both the Parish Church and Town Memorials: [Town P7.R4.C3].10. Miles, Thomas
CWGC gives no next of kin address.
Born Malden-Rushett, Surrey, enlisted Worcester, resident 'Leatherhead, Surrey'.
40091, Rifleman, 1st/8th Bn., Hampshire Regiment, died Friday 2nd November 1917.
Commemorated on the Jerusalem Memorial, Panels 28 and 29.
[N&M database says he was a Private, killed in action, Palestine, 02/11/17].11. Miller, James Victor
CWGC gives no next of kin address.
Born Brookwood, Surrey, enlisted Guildford, Surrey, resident 'Leatherhead, Surrey'.
L/10880, Private, 1st Bn., The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt.), died Saturday 25th September 1915.
Commemorated on the Loos Memorial, Panel 13 to 15.
James Miller, Sept 1915, is commemorated on the Parish Church Memorial but not the Town Memorial12. Oliver, Alfred
CWGC gives no next of kin address:
Born Guildford, enlisted Hounslow, resident 'Leatherhead'.
L/10739, Private, 4th Bn., Royal Fusiliers, died Thursday 29th October 1914.
Commemorated on Le Touret Memorial, Panel 6.13. Preskett, Cecil Henry
CWGC gives no next of kin address.
Born South Lambeth, Surrey, enlisted Leatherhead, Surrey, resident 'Leatherhead'.
G/7105, Lance Corporal, 6th Bn., The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt.), died Sunday 30th June 1918.
Commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial, Panel 14 and 15.
He is listed on the Church Lads Brigade Tryptich at All Saints' Church.
His nephew, Barry Preskett says Cecil was in fact a native of Woking and his name appears on that town's war memorial.14. Reed, Alfred
CWGC gives no next of kin address.
Born Petersfield, Hants, enlisted Clapham Junction, resident 'Leatherhead'.
4572, Private, 23rd Bn., London Regiment, died in UK Sunday 29th September 1916.
Buried in Winchester (Magdalen Hill) Cemetery, Chilcomb, grave KI 98.15. Slimmonds, Ernest
Typographical error in the N&M database: this is Mr Slemmonds, who is on both the Parish Church and Town Memorials [Town P8.R2.C1].16. Steel, William Sidney Ernest
CWGC says ' M.T. Son of Lewis and Emma Steel, of Basildon, Berks; husband of Esther Steel, of 31 Lower Fairfield Road, Leatherhead, Surrey'.
Born Upper Basildon, Berks, enlisted Colchester, resident 'Leatherhead'.
M/055222, Private, Army Service Corps, died Sunday 24th March 1918.
Buried in Noyon New British Cemetery, grave II F 1.17. Taylor, Albert Edward
He is actually on both the Parish Church and Town Memorials [Town P9.R2.C1].18. Tinley, Edward Alfred
CWGC gives no next of kin address.
Born Mansfield, Notts, enlisted Rochdale, resident 'Leatherhead'.
DM2/129867, Private, 635th Coy., Army Service Corps, died Monday 24th July 1916.
Buried in Taveta Military Cemetery [East Africa], grave VI A 9.19. Trodd, Reginald Ernest Guy *
CWGC says 'Son of Charles and Jessie Mary Trodd , of 163, Cowley Rd., Oxford. Born at Basingstoke'
[N&M says enlisted London, resident Leatherhead].
He is on the Parish Church Memorial but not the Town Memorial* On Aug 27 1920 The War memorial Sub-Committee came to the conclusion that the following names which are on the War Shrine might not be included on the War Memorial: Prescott, Feltham, Trodd & Hagell (men who were for a very brief time in Leatherhead & about whom no details are obtainable)
20. Tucker, William Crespin
CWGC says 'Son of John and Susan Tucker, of Yealmbridge, Yealmpton, Plymouth'.
Born Yealmbridge, Devon, enlisted Guildford, Surrey, resident 'Leatherhead, Surrey'.
G/68965, Private, 7th Bn., The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regt.), died Saturday 10th August 1918.
Buried in Boisguillame Communal Cemetery Extension, grave E 125.
[N&M database adds that he was formerly 636152, 20th London Regt.]21. Vickery, Frank Percival
22. Woodger, Alfred
CWGC says 'Husband of M.L. Vickery of Claimont Cottages, Fairmile, Cobham, Surrey'.
Born Ashtead, Surrey, enlisted Mill Hill, Middlesex, resident 'Leatherhead, Surrey'.
G/11489, Lance Corporal, 23rd Bn., Middlesex Regiment, died Monday 25th September 1916.
Buried in St Sever Cemetery, Rouen, grave B 23 65.
1 Feb 09 update: he is on the Ashtead War Memorial outside St George's Christian Centre but as EP Vickery, should be FP.
CWGC says 'Son of George William and Emma Selina Woodger, of Chalkpit Cottage, West Horsley, Leatherhead, Surrey'.
Born Guildford, enlisted Guildford, resident 'Leatherhead, Surrey'.
A/3158, Private, 12th Bn., King's Royal Rifle Corps, died Friday 2nd June 1916.
Commemorated on Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Panel 51 and 53.
6. Those in Leatherhead Parish Church Graveyard (burials unless otherwise stated: further searches are to be done): see also buried/commemorated here
George Albert Abell Parish Church Memorial & Town Memorial G Alexander Parish Church Memorial & Town Memorial Clifford Gordon Allen Town Memorial only (WWII)
(commemorated, not buried)Edmund Hedley Archer Town Memorial only (WWII) Edward Rolfe Arnold Town Memorial only (WWII) George James Messenger Town Memorial only (WWII) Donald Orchard Town Memorial only (WWII) John A Pattenden Town Memorial only Thomas John Victor Piper Town Memorial only (WWII) Stanford Sturt Not on Town Memorial
commemorated on family headstone (WWII)John Edward Sturt Not on Town Memorial
commemorated on family headstone (WWII)PE Taylor Parish Church burial
but not on the Town MemorialReginald Spencer Watkins commemorated on family headstone (WWII) Ada Elizabeth Weller Parish Church burial
but only on the Methodist Church plaqueEF Wright Town Memorial
but not the Parish Church Memorialplus Francis Coward, whose grave marker hangs in Leatherhead Parish Church tower,
buried in France lived in Leatherhead but is not listed on any of the Leatherhead Memorials.
7. Other issues
AAH Summerfield
His record has now been retrieved by us from the CWGC and it does say Abraham - the family say his names are Absolam Henry Harvey.
To be taken up with CWGC.Frederick Hatchwell
An Old Contemptible.
A Postman, and we understand that he was killed in the Reigate Road by an enemy aircraft on 30th August 1940.
Buried in the Parish Church Graveyard.
Now been traced on the CWGC list of civilian casualties.CWGC date discrepancies?
There are several instances of differences between the CWGC date and the date in another source, by one day.
The CWGC are aware that there have been discrepancies but believed that they had been corrected.
Our evidence will be submitted when complete.Not yet traced on the CWGC database [5]
AS Hooley
(see group 4)
J Finch
J Harding
HJ Prentice
W WilliamsJohn A PATTENDEN solved
d 1922, so would not be on CWGC.C RICHARDS WWII solved
Response to letter in the Leatherhead Advertiser, July 2004
Leatherhead fireman who died on duty when sent to Portsmouth, 11 March 1941.FR Thompson WWII solved
Finally traced on CWGC when third initial J established.Albert John Treadgold - solved
In November 2001 Sue Parrott of Fetcham found him listed as Treadgol and provided information about his relations still living in the area.
The CWGC have been informed.Name versions
In some cases forename versions are inconsistent between sources, e.g. Harry and Henry, Alec and Alex.
At present these are not regarded as significant.Corrections
20.4.1999 Miller, James Victor: removed from the list of those with no memorial as he is on the Parish Church Memorial
20.4.1999 Harmes, Albert, added to the list of those with no memorial
2.12.2019 Kirby, D identified as Desmond Ernest KIRKBY