Highlights from The Therfield School
Magazine 1968
This magazine was the first issue
of the Therfield School Magazine since 1966 and
comprised 39 A5 pages. The editors were Vivien
Thom, Susan Brain
and David Christmas.
The school was still on two sites
- Kingston Road and Dilston Road, as reflected
in the reporting of house competitions. There
were also Grammar and non Grammar streams.
There was a major section listing
the facilities of the local youth and
other clubs - St Martin's Dorking,
Dorking Youth Centre, Bookham Youth Club, The
Young Stagers (Leatherhead Theatre), The Wheel
(Brockham), Purple Six (Fetcham), Epsom
Congregational Youth Club, North Holmwood, Chart
Downs, Dorking Halls Dances, Leatherhead
Supporters Club, Headley Youth Club, 3rd
Leatherhead Guide Company.
Among the suggestions for clubs
was the Cygnet Club, from Paul Burberry
In an article on education, Mr N Yapp
quoted the story of the man who had risen from being very
poor to being a millionaire. He was asked if he had enjoyed
his days at school and he replied: "Oh yes, both of them."
There was an article on The Future of
Soul Music following the death of Otis Redding. A
letter from an Old Girl, C A Croisdale, was on the Cheshire
Foundation Service Corps.
Another article set out the work of the Friends
of Therfield since its formation in 1963: in 1963
they began with paying £15 for 8mm film supply; in 1964 £250
7s 5d was paid for Hall Curtains; moving on to 1968, £505
was spent on various items. At that time the membership fee
was 2s 6d.
Sports results were detailed; in the
inter-house competitions the winning houses were:-
Netball - Juniper tied with Leith
Trampoline - Leith
Football - Juniper
Basketball - Juniper
Cross Country - Polesden
How this School could be improved
These are a few odd things which have been suggested to the
magazine by various members of the school, both staff and
pupils. They are very interesting ideas, which, if taken
seriously, and acted upon, might make this school better in
minor ways.
1) Path entrance to school from Cleeve Road
- in the winter this path is like a mud bath. This means
that pupils using this entrance bring in unnecessary mud.
Also very inconvenient for pupils! If we need permission
from somebody, may we please get it quick -before next mud
season, and pave or tarmac the path?
2) Why couldn't the sixth form have a large common
room built on the library block - (see diagram).
This should be large enough to house not only the prefects
(the present prefect's room is ridiculously small for
thirty-six prefects)but the entire lower and upper sixth.
This would be much better as at the moment this segregation
of the sixth is resented.
3) On the same theme, why is it so
very necessary to limit entry by the front door of the
building to prefects, librarians and staff. What
fundamental difference is there between librarians, prefects
and anyone else? What is the point? Why can't the whole
school use it? This is obviously a rather sweeping statement
as the whole school would not use it.
The fifth, and sixth years, and staff would use the entrance
before, nine o'clock in the morning, and the rest of the
school would have moved round to the side of the building
anyway by the time the bell went. Nevertheless, all those
arriving on the bell and just after would be able to use the
obvious door, and this would avoid a bit of the crush in the
mornings. At four o'clock, at least half the school would
use the side door anyway so there would be less crush again.
I think this system could be at least tried as an
4) What about our glorious cricket pavilion
or whatever it was going to be? Why don't we finish it
quickly before the foundations rot away entirely and we
start charging 2d a time to see the ruins?
5) Could we build a simple bridge over the stream
so that when Miss Jones takes Biology expeditions to the
woods - a fairly necessary part of a course - they do not
have to leap across the stream every time? During cross
country lessons and competitions, this bridge could be
blocked off in some way.
6) While on the theme of sport, why has a mixed
school of this size got only one gym and inadequate
changing facilities? Another complete sports
block should be built (something we could raise money for
ourselves if necessary).
This money raising could be done through the house system
and also with the aid of the Friends. With all due respect I
think we have enough duplicators and was an amplifier really
The school could also do with some rugby equipment
as this is be coming an increasingly popular sport
in the school and the house captains would like to organise
some house rugby matches if they had some reasonable
7) Could the school present a proper play at the
end of the year instead of a nativity
incorporated in the concert. Other schools do this as well
as having inter house drama festivals. This is an important
aspect of cultural activity in which the school is sadly
lacking There is a good deal of support for dramatic
activity within the school which we should try and exploit
8) Why can't the careers section have a better
cataloguing system, I'm sure that the muddle
there must put a lot of people off looking for information
until they really have to do so.
Could all books on English Literature and History whether
county or school library be put together? Would
this make any difference to the organisation of the library?
It would certainly make a difference to the people using the
9) Why is the heating turned off over weekends
so that it has to be put on full blast on Mondays? Over the
holidays, too, the school is allowed to get really cold,
Would it be possible to restart the heating about two days
before the term starts again - it would probably save money
in the long run.
10) Could there be open debates held about once a
fortnight in the library after school now that
the weather is improving a little and the evenings are
getting lighter? There could be debates on all controversial
issues and I'm sure this would be interesting to a great
many in the school.
If anyone has any more views on what they would like to see
done in the school, please send articles to Room 14.